Saturday 30 July 2011

Where am I?

Is this twilight zone?

I do feel I am in an unusual space ...

The space, this space, called the Meseta, does bend your mind a bit...

... actually, what it does, in a strange way, it removes a lot of the distractions, to the eye. It forces you to look more inside than around you.

Don't know why, but it gets my apetite up for Carlos Castaneda and his toltec warrior, the Nagual ...

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Friday 29 July 2011


... no comments

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Wednesday 27 July 2011

Primul Marathon

In Burgos. Cafe con leche de dimineata dupa un somn bine meritat. Ieri am facut primul nostru marathon-43 de km. Sabin zice ca e bine, dar mai trebuie sa lucram la timpi. Trebuie sa il termini in max 6 ore. Noi l-am facut in 8 ore plus vreo doua pauze.

Asta ne permite o zi de odihna in orasul natal al lui El Cid.

In timp ce strabateam suburbiile orasului ieri am avut senzatia clara ca nu mai sunt un "city boy" si ca percep orasul cu alti ochi, cu ochii cuiva care nu mai apartine realitatilor citadine. E o senzatie de desprindere si de libertate greu de explicat.

Daca vreti sa incercati, va propun urmatoarea experienta: intr-o zi de weekend, sau, si mai bine intr-o zi din timpul saptamanii, iesiti din oras cu un mijloc de transport pana la cel putin 10 km de marginea orasului. Faceti calatoria inapoi pana in centrul orasului pe jos fara graba...

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Location:Calle del General Santocildes,Burgos,Spain

Deeper, to the test

"El Camino es mas duro" says a bartender in Villafranca Montes de Oca. I don't know if he is talking with the experience of a former pilgrim or just with the admiration of a local that sees and serves passing pilgrims every day. He is right anyway.

Between the deep longing for the dear ones, the apparently never-ending routine of walk-eat-rest-walk again and the unsettling range of feelings, thoughts and sensations, the Camino does put one to the test.

The perception of time changes. The strong desire of reaching somewhere is slightly fading.

It is slowly replaced by the acceptance that being in the journey is equally important.

This isn't a holiday, it is a pilgrimage. Not sure yet if it is a pilgrimage to Santiago or to my soul. I hope it turns out to be both.

I am glad I am not alone on this journey. Sharing it with good old friends is powerful in many ways. On days when knees are screaming with pain and the body really resists walking again they push me for the first step.
Each one of us has strengths and insights. We are inspired by eachother at times. We push each other in uncomfortable places at other times. I feel this helps me become more honest with myself. It helps me talk and act with more courage.

Monday 25 July 2011


Pink Martini - Tea for Two

... I really miss my sweatheart

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Saturday 23 July 2011

Day 8, trully the first day

At least that's what I felt.

Overcoming pain, overcoming the initial joy and celebration of being away, being with friends, being in Spain with its food and wine.

Starting to look inwardly. Starting to feel the real meaning of the Camino.

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Location:Camino del Río Tuerto,Azofra,Spain

Friday 22 July 2011

Freshly! Our lunch today

The Chef

... and the desert, of course

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Location:Calle de Iregua,Navarrete,Spain

Coloana sonora/soundtrack partea I

Uite, cam asa ar putea fi povestit El Camino pana acum, cu muzica ... (inca nu stiu cum sa pun muzica pe blog asa ca gasiti pe youtube)

From St Jean:
Eddie Vedder - Setting Forth, from Into the Wild

Crossing the Pyrinees:
Florence and the Machines - Rabbit Heart [Raise It Up]

We are in Spain:
Andres Segovia - Sevilla

To Arre:
Flamenco Chill - any of the songs

Pamplona: Viva Espania

Medieval Fiesta in Estella:
Dead Can Dance- Aion

In Rioja:
Pink Martini - all songs, but in particular, Kikuchiyo to Mohshimasu

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Location:Calle de Iregua,Navarrete,Spain

Thursday 21 July 2011

Day 6, only one more month to go:)

knees are in shambles, or should I say in stalkings? I feel sexy! ... Not!

but that's part of a pilgrim's life, and so be it.

The wander wall - the wine producers in Irache have decided to build a wine fountain for the pilgrims, to strengthen them for the way. The Camino is full of miracles.

Arriving in Viana today, we find everybody celebrating San Fermin, with white and red clothes, wine and, of course, bulls

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More than 100 and still standing

This is the fifth day of the Camino. It feels like ages have passed... we got over the 100 km mark yesterday.

Having a break in Estella in the midst of a medieval fiesta.

Fried octopus, tuna with olive oil and onion, and amazing music and dances from a distant past.

We spent the previous night in Cirauqi, a typical hilltop village, with with the wind wispering through its narrow alleys. The knees hurt a lot, but after meeting Andre, a 50-year young canadian that did the Camino many times, in as little as 14 days, my pains shied away.

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Tuesday 19 July 2011

Recunostinta unui pelerin

Cred ca e timpul pentru un pic de recunostinta.

Am plecat acum 6 zile de langa Anca si de langa baietii mei. Aflandu-ma azi intr-o gradina insorita in Navarra, dupa trei zile de mers pe jos, timp in care timpul a inceput sa incetineasca, la fel si gandurile, nu pot decat sa fiu recunoscator ubitei mele si fiilor mei pentru ca m-au lasat sau au acceptat ca eu sa merg pe drumul asta. Stiu ca nu e usor. La fel de recunoscator sunt si fata de bunici, cumnati si prieteni pt tot sprijinul care m-il dati pentru acest drum.
Ma gandesc la voi toti si va port in suflet cu mine, spre Santiago.

Ma simt foarte norocos ca pot merge pe acest drum. Nu e prima oara cand simt asta si asta e datorita voua tuturor celor dragi din jurul meu.

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Monday 18 July 2011

Ultreya y sustreya

Second day, 38 km. What were we thinking?

This is the longest walk I did in my life... so far. :)

Now enjoying a short pause in Pamplona on the morning of day 3

after listening to a morning blessing for the pilgrims. It ended with the medieval greeting 'ultreya y sutreya, a Santiago!' (forward and upward, to Santiago).

I feel Inspired by the thousands of men and women that walked this way before us along the centuries.

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Location:Calle de la Fuente del Hierro,Pamplona,Spain

Saturday 16 July 2011

To Roncesvalles, over the Pyrinees

Roncevalles, we will always remember Roncesvalles.

25kms or 32, depending on how you count. Our first ones on the Way. Beautiful...



Are we pilgrims? I don't know. It feels like one

but not sure yet. Still feeling a bit wordly and uncoocked. No worries, we have a bit of time on our hands. Will we become wiser?

or, just remain travellers (vacanciers)...

We're starting to speak, more genuinly, more to the ppint. It's a good sign...

However, rest is important. Buenas noches peregrinos!

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